The perspective and the ampelodescriptor characteristics of the Khindogny grape variety
3. September 2023 1287 V. Salimov • UOT 634.8: 631.525
There is given the information on the ampelodescriptive, morphological, biological, technological specifications, the structure of the populations, the variations and diversities of the ancient valuable wine grape variety Khindogny that originates from Karabakh – one of the traditional viticulture regions of Azerbaijan. ...
The duration of vegetation period of several wine-grape varieties in the conditions of apsheron
1. December 2020 2554 K. Abasova, R. Asadullayev • UOT 634.8
During the vegetation period there come out the vital functions of grape plant (growth, development, fruiting, etc.). The vegetation of vine plant begins with sap flow, swelling and budding in spring on reaching the mean temperature of 10 °С. This temperature is accepted as “biological zero” vore vine plant. Vegetation ...
Implementation of different agrotechnics on productivity and quality of production loading on different forms of grape
1. December 2020 2165 A. Shukurov, T. Orucova, N. Huseynzade • UOT 634.8
To obtain a high yield of grapes, it is necessary to implement in proper time scientifically founded agrotechnical measures and continue research on growing new, higheryielding grape varieties. In this regard, it is required to give the plants an optimal form, determine the load rate suitable local conditions, and apply a ...