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The duration of vegetation period of several wine-grape varieties in the conditions of apsheron

2372 ­ ­ 1. December 2020 ­ ­­ ­ pesticide fungiside oidium harmful application


The article tells of testing of new pesticides against oidium disease and grapevine moth widely spread on the vineyards of Apsheron peninsula, and on the results obtained. Conducted scientific researches show that application against oidium of fingicides “Punch-40 EK”, “Kumulus”, “Talendo” and “Cabrio-Top” can preserve the plants for 10-14 days. Insecticides “Super Takimetrin” and “Fenoxycarb” applied against grapevine moth could preserve its tocsic effect for 15-20 days. On the basis of multiannual monitorings it is possible to come to conclusion that oidium harms all parts of grape plant above the ground, but its growth stops in the period of ripening. The agronomic operations (green operations, cleansing of the weeds) conducted simultaneously with the measures of chemical protection also are very important. The good aeration of the plants could prevent the creation of favorable conditions for diseases ans insects. Oidium and grapevine moth are among the main causative agents of rot diseases of the grapes. Fungi (mainly that of gray rot) of this disease and this insect on getting on the berries cause them to get roten and could bring to considerable harvest losses. When fighting the diseases and the insects on the grape it is very important to conduct monitorings for their early detection, as the belated chemical protection measures are not effective. In seasons when oidium is widely spread, up to 80 % of harvest might be lost. The measures against oidium should be launched on the shoots reaching 25-30 sm of length and perfusions to be ended 25-30 days before full ripening.


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A.. Shukurov

KTN Üzümçülük və Şərabçılıq Elmi-Tədqiqat İnstitutu,


Vugar. Salimov

KTN-nin Üzümçülük və Şərabçılıq Elmi-Tədqiqat İnstitutu, a.e.d., dos.