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Implementation of different agrotechnics on productivity and quality of production loading on different forms of grape

A. Shukurov

2165 ­ ­ 1. December 2020 ­ ­­ ­ pruning agrotechnics cultivation sort


To obtain a high yield of grapes, it is necessary to implement in proper time scientifically founded agrotechnical measures and continue research on growing new, higheryielding grape varieties. In this regard, it is required to give the plants an optimal form, determine the load rate suitable local conditions, and apply a complex of agrotechnical measures based on innovative methods. Before separately studying the agrotechnical measures included in the system applied for many years, it is necessary to identify the effect of each individual measure on the yield and quality of the crop. As a result of scientific research, it has been proven that in viticulture, when giving form and optimal load, an individual approach is required. In addition, the soil and climatic conditions, the biology of the variety, the economic and technological features of the plant, and especially agricultural technology, should be studied on a scientific basis. Giving a spontaneous form and load over a number of years affect negatively the quality of the crop. Therefore, giving each variety an optimal form and buds is important in viticulture. Plants of the same variety were given various forms and were determined by unopened buds, green shoots, shoots with one, two, three bunches, total fruitful shoots, the number of bunches, opened buds (%), the fertility rate of a plant or a bud, green shoot, fruitful shoots , the number of fruitful shoots (%). On the basis of four-year research, it can be concluded that with a load of 50-60 buds when giving the Parkent variety cordon form the average yield over the years of research made 85.4 c/ha, with fan formation - 93.6 c/ha. The table grape variety Sentennial Seedless with the same load (50-60 buds) with cordon formation of the plant had a yield of 73.3 c/ha, with a fan formation - 76.5 c/ha. Thus, as a result of research on cultivation by the variety according to local conditions, the individual applied agricultural techniques and loads were studied. It can be concluded that when the grape varieties Parkent and Centenil Sidlis are given to the bushes with a load of 50-60 eyes of cordon and fan formation, a larger yield can be obtained in comparison with other options. Thus, as a result of researches, on cultivation by varieties according local conditions have been separately studied applied agrotechnics and bud load. It is possible to conclude that on giving the plants of Parkent and Sentennial Seedless the cordon and fan formation on the load with 50-60 buds the arger yeald can be obtained in comparison with other variants.


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